Advance inventory records with Labregister’s new file attachment feature

The ability to retrieve all relevant information about laboratory materials, resources and devices from a central inventory system can help...

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Simplify Sample Tracking with Labregister Barcodes

Barcodes are commonly used by many industries as a versatile way to track items, but also to store product-specific information....

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Introducing: Import & Export of inventory lists to the Labfolder Material Database

Each laboratory tracks and manages their inventory in order to provide an efficient work environment and increase productivity. Usually this...

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Top apps to take your electronic lab notebook to the next level

Electronic lab notebooks (ELN) have simplified the way researchers document their findings. Labfolder’s browser-based ELN offers a platform for scientists...

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Introducing: Advanced Rights and Roles in the newly designed MDB

Whether you work in academia or industry you will know the importance of an organized and effective laboratory inventory system....

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How Science Courses can Benefit from an ELN

Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELN’s) are a software solution that allows research data to be stored on a unified platform. They...

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