Streamline multi-well screenings using well plate layouts!



Various scientific fields rely on the design and execution of high-throughput experiments. These enable researchers to test a number of conditions in an efficient manner.

This webinar highlights the capabilities of Labfolder’s ELN to support you in this task. The well plate template app enables you to document multi-well setups in a comprehensive way. An additional connection to your Tecan plate reader facilitates the transfer of information from and to the Magellan software.

In this webinar we are showing how you can close the loop between experimental design, execution and analysis. Everyone using multi-well setups will benefit from this session.


Things you’ll learn:

  • Design well-plate experiments in Labfolder
  • Set well conditions and define reference wells
  • Run Well Plate layouts in Tecan Magellan
  • Transfer results from Magellan to your ELN
  • Tips and best practices

Meet the speakers:

Dr. Frances Spiller – Customer Success Specialist at Labforward

Before joining Labforward, Frances obtained a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Edinburgh. Her long research experience makes her a valuable member of the support team, where she facilitates customer communications.


Jacek Antkowiak – Customer Success Specialist at Labforward

Before joining Labforward Jacek graduated with a biotechnology master’s degree. He decided to pursue his career path in close connection to science and researchers. As a Customer Success Specialist for the Labfolder ELN software, he helps our customers make the most of the digital lab book in their work.

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Please visit the following page to get more information or request a private demonstration of the Tecan Connector App!