labfolder’s past and future

2016 was great for labfolder and we are so excited for what's to come in 2017!  In this article, we are going to take a look at how much labfolder has grown in 2016 and also offer you a sneak peak of what is in store for you as a labfolder scientist

What has changed in 2016

So much has improved in the last year! We developed new features and even released a new language to our scientists.  We signed a groundbreaking deal with the Max Planck Society, that brings our ELN to all their scientists. We organized our first User Workshop and participated in numerous online and offline events. We completely renovated our website and much, much more!  

[cta_button label="See labfolder's 2016 timeline" url="" size="medium" ghost="no" newtab="yes"]


The great Future ahead

Contrary to all broken promises that usually populate this time of the year, like going to the gym everyday and reducing stress (there is even a TOP 10), in this page we are going to give you a sneak peak at some of the new (concrete) features that we will be releasing throughout 2017!

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Meet us

Although we are a software company, we are always looking to meet our scientists in real life! We already have some events scheduled for 2017, but we would love to meet you in person. The labfolder team is always available to visit your organization and present our digital platform!

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