Would you like a sneak-peak into our latest features?
Are you an innovator?Then sign up and help us shape the best new tools for research worldwide.
We’re always developing labfolder to make it the best it can be for you. That’s why we’d love your knowledge in doing so. You are the experts in knowing what it is you want, from us.
We’ll let you know when new features are coming, you test them out and let us know how you get along. Everything you have to say: we want to hear. Tell us what’s good, bad and can be improved. If there are features you’d like to see included, let us know that too!
Once we have gathered your feedback, we’ll work hard to meet your expectations and send out a release when they're ready. Since we're always working on the platform you're welcome to always give us feedback.
This is totally free and will benefit both you and us greatly; a better platform is better for everyone.
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