New in Labfolder: Improved Excel Support

In this new update we’ve made some significant changes to our table element to streamline research documentation within the Labfolder Electronic Lab Notebook. This update is free to all users and advances existing table features as well as adding additional features to simplify data documentation.

Included with this update is the addition of many Excel-like features that help scientists who are used to using Excel easily input data in a way that is familiar to them. Moreover, graph feature options have increased from 35 to 134, giving researchers the flexibility on how they want to display data they’ve collected.

Regarding the Table Element, a PDF and CSV export has been added allowing the user to export tables out of their ELN with ease. Alongside this, there are many stylistic and layout changes that improve the table element's overall appearance, becoming more intuitive to meet a researcher’s requirements.


With these updates, Labfolder ELN continues to be a platform that is constantly evolving to ensure scientists have the best possible experience. Open Labfolder now, to explore all of these exciting changes!


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