Data security with labfolder

In this blog series, we will be giving you sneak peeks into our white papers. We wrote these white papers to support you, our scientists, in complying with standards and regulations, as well as in having the best quality data you can.

This installation covers how using labfolder helps ensure the security of your work. Want to know more? Read on!

Data security with labfolder

  • IP Protection
  • Confidentiality
  • Authenticity
  • Integrity

IP Protection

First, we should reiterate that keeping your data confidential is vital, especially when using a cloud or digital service. At labfolder, we have implemented many features to maximize the protection of your intellectual property. Included are standard cryptography, end-to-end encryption and more.

We also have a number of enterprise security features, with multiple layers for data access, storage and transfer. Out of the ten total features, we will give you a preview of a few of them here. The first being operational security. This protects against malware, with firewalls and strict system access for verified IP addresses. This ensures that we constantly monitor the security and keep the network safe.

Regular tests are run on the physical and environmental security. Then, we have protection procedures and emergency management to provide a secure data center. Thirdly, there is access control, requiring unique user ID and a certain level of password complexity. This makes sure only authorized individuals are able to access certain information.

The next feature is the development and maintenance of the system, regular checkups and updates are carried out. The last feature we will overview here is the disaster recovery and business continuity. Included within is a validation plan to maintain operations no matter the situation.

Referring back to maximizing your intellectual property protection, we will look into three aspects. These are confidentiality, authenticity and integrity. Below we will go over some of the details of each aspect.


The first security procedure in confidentiality is admission control, limiting access to only authorized persons through the use of login credentials. Data encryption is present during uploading/downloading, transferring and storing of data. Data storage at labfolder is also secure through separate security locations and procedures.


Moving to authenticity, labfolder employs a multi-level authentication process. Included are login and password credentials being required and being able to manage the access rights of various users. Furthermore, the user identification is also secure, as one must provide identification to access and manage the data.


Finally, we will go over a few of the integrity features. One of the features is data retention, meaning records are kept for 3 years after the use of labfolder is suspended. This data, as well as stored data that is still in use, is available for inspection and review if need be. One can control and prevent data deletion through the settings and organizational policy. One last previewed feature is that labfolder employs standard operation procedures to optimize system performance, validation and more.

Everything covered here is just a peek into the security of labfolder. There is more to read about in the full white paper. Access it by clicking through on the button below.

See the other white paper blogs